Featured Videos & Podcasts

Uncommon Knowledge with H.R. McMaster

H.R. McMaster On Why The Trump Administration Was “At War With Ourselves”

General (ret.) H.R. McMaster, returns to discuss his latest book, At War with Ourselves, in which he candidly recounts his experiences as former national security advisor to President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2018.

September 3, 2024
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GoodFellows | So It Goes: Niall Ferguson on Good Books, Bad Screens, a 1968 Redux, and Hobbits

So It Goes: Niall Ferguson On Good Books, Bad Screens, A 1968 Redux, And Hobbits

In a topsy-turvy election year, does America’s 2024 presidential contest summon ghosts from 1968 — or, is a late-breaking 1980-style landslide in the cards?

August 26, 2024
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Capitalism and Freedom | Bob Litterman

Bob Litterman (Kepos Capital) On Quantitative Investing, Liquidity Risk And Climate Policy

Jon Hartley and Bob Litterman discuss the history of quantitative finance at Goldman Sachs, the 2024 liquidity crisis, climate policy, and Bob’s carbon pricing model and support for carbon taxes. 

August 29, 2024
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Economics, Applied | Glenn Hubbard

Markets For The People

Steven Davis and Glenn Hubbard critique industrial policy as practiced under Presidents Trump and Biden and discuss Hubbard’s vision of how to harness "Markets for the People" to advance prosperity and liberty for all Americans.

September 4, 2024
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Video Series

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Conversations From The Hoover Institution

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Uncommon Knowledge

Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson

A series hosted by Hoover fellow Peter Robinson as an outlet for political leaders, scholars, and today’s big thinkers to share their views with the world

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New battlegrounds


The Battlegrounds interview series provides a needed forum with leaders from key countries to share their assessment of problem sets and opportunities that have implications for U.S. foreign policy and national security strategy. 

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Fellow Talks

Featuring interviews, discussions, and presentations with Hoover fellows and scholars.

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Economics, Applied

Economics, Applied

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Free Speech, Unmuted

Free Speech Unmuted

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Educating Americans about Public Policy

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Capitalism and Freedom in the 21st…

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Hoover Book Club

Hoover Book Club

Hoover scholars explore the latest books that delve into some of the most vexing policy issues facing the United States and the world. 

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Hoover Virtual Policy Briefings

An online virtual briefing series on pressing policy issues, including health care, the economy, democratic governance, and national security.

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Capital Conversations

A series featuring Hoover fellows and leading policy makers engaging in informed discussions on policy.

Audio Podcasts

Matters of Policy & Politics

Matters of Policy & Politics

A podcast hosted by Hoover fellow Bill Whalen devoted to matters of governance and balance of power at home and abroad.

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The Libertarian

The Libertarian

Hoover fellow Richard Epstein evaluates national developments in public policy and the law.

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Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts

Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts

Explores the effect that the study of History has had on the careers and decision-making of public figures.

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Law Talk With Epstein, Senik & Yoo

Law Talk With Epstein, Senik & Yoo

A look at legislation and constitutional jurisprudence.

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Conversations From The Hoover Institution

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New battlegrounds


The Battlegrounds interview series provides a needed forum with leaders from key countries to share their assessment of problem sets and opportunities that have implications for U.S. foreign policy and national security strategy. 

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Economics, Applied

Economics, Applied

Free Speech, Unmuted

Free Speech Unmuted


Capitalism and Freedom in the 21st Century


The Pacific Century

Host Michael Auslin and guests discuss the latest politics, economics, security, and cultural news in China, Asia, and America.

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Caravan Notebook

The Caravan Notebook

A platform for essays and articles that offer commentary on a variety of subjects, ranging from current events to cultural trends, and including topics that are too local or too specific from the larger questions addressed quarterly in The Caravan.

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The Classicist

The Classicist is the weekly podcast of Victor Davis Hanson, scholar, writer, and farmer.

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Hoover Virtual Policy Briefings

An online virtual briefing series on pressing policy issues, including health care, the economy, democratic governance, and national security.

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The Grumpy Economist

The Grumpy Economist

Hoover fellow John Cochrane offers analysis and commentary on the news of the day from a humorous free-market perspective.

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Saints, Sinners, & Salvageables: Restoring America's Faith in Voting

A mini podcast series examining American elections from Matters of Policy & Politics hosted by Hoover fellow Benjamin Ginsberg.

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Education Exchange

Education Exchange

A weekly podcast highlighting education policy news, hosted by Hoover Institution fellow Paul E. Peterson.  

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Reasonable Disagreements

Reasonable Disagreements

Hoover fellows Richard Epstein and Adam White discuss major legal and policy issues and debate points of disagreement.

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The Classicist

The Classicist is the weekly podcast of Victor Davis Hanson, scholar, writer, and farmer.

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