Cybersecurity represents one of the most pressing challenges that the United States will face in the coming decades. Ensuring continued economic prosperity and defense readiness requires improving the security of the computing devices, systems, and networks that have become essential to the nation’s commerce and defense. Moreover, the United States has at its disposal powerful offensive capabilities in cyberspace—how can and should it use these capabilities in support of national interests? These and other cyber issues are important, complex, and here to stay.

The Congressional Cyber Boot Camp invites senior congressional staffers to participate in three days of seminars, keynotes, and simulations led by renowned academics and tech industry leaders. The Boot Camp’s courses delve into the technical, economic, political, and legal dimensions of cybersecurity. The Cyber Boot Camp endeavors to provide congressional staffers with a conceptual framework of the threat environment today and how it might evolve so that they are better able to anticipate the problems of tomorrow. By bringing together the public sector, private sector, and academia, the Cyber Boot Camp aims to encourage collaboration and further this important discussion.

CyberSecurity Boot Camp Schedule
Time Monday, August 17 Tuesday, August 18 Wednesday, August 19 Thursday, August 20
7:00 - 8:00 AM   7:15: Staffers depart Guest House 7:15: Staffers depart Guest House
7:45: Breakfast and Debrief
Herb Lin, John Villasenor
7:00: Staffers depart Guest House for SFO
8:00 - 10:00 am   - Hoover Institution, Stauffer Auditorium -
8:00: Breakfast & Keynote Conversation
Kevin Mandia, Michael McFaul
9:30: Break
9:45: Debrief
Herb Lin, John Villasenor
8:30: Session 8: Cybersecurity and Civil Liberties
Robert Chesney, Jennifer Granick
9:30: Break
9:40: Staffers depart SFO
10:00 - 12:00 Pm

10:00: Staffers arrive at SFO
10:30: Staffers depart SFO for Stanford
11:30: Staffers arrive at Stanford
11:45: Welcome
Herb Lin, Amy Zegart


10:15: Session 5: Fundamental Principles of Cybersecurity
John Mitchell, Gary Belvin*
11:15: Break
11:45: Lunch & Session 6: Economic, Psychological, and Organizational Dimensions
Paul Bracken, Tyler Moore, Herb Lin*
10:00: Session 9: Corporate
Perspectives on Cybersecurity
Jason Chan, Melody Hildebrandt, Gilman Louie, Alex Stamos, Sameer Bhalotra C
11:30: Break
12:00 - 1:00 pm 12:00: Lunch and Keynote Address
Jane Holl Lute
Lunch & Session 6, continued 12:00: Lunch and Session 10: Experiences with Automotive Security
Stefan Savage
1:00 - 3:00 pm 1:00: Session 1: Thinking Like an Attacker
Gregory Conti, Herb Lin*
2:00: Break
2:30: Session 2: Threats to
Carey Nachenberg, Dan Boneh*
1:15: Break
1:30: Session 7: Domestic Law and International Legal Dimensions
Rod Beckstrom, Kristen Eichensehr, Harvey Rishikof, Elaine Korzak C
1:30: Break
2:00: Depart for Facebook Headquarters
2:30: Facebook Headquarters Visit
3:00 - 5:00 pm 4:00: Break
4:30: Session 3: Offensive Dimensions of Cybersecurity
Herb Lin, Matteo Martemucci*
3:00: Staffers return to Guest House Facebook Headquarters, continued
4:30: Depart for Dinner
5:00 - 8:00 PM 5:30: Break
- Knight Management Center, Rm. G102 -
6:15: Session 4: Simulation: Responding to a Cyber Crisis
Raj Shah, Ruby Zefo, Judy Estrin, Joe Sullivan, Amy Zegart C
5:00: Staffers depart Guest House for reception and dinner
- Encina Hall, Bechtel Conference Center -
6:30: Dinner and Keynote Address
Reid Hoffman, Condoleezza Rice
- Mandarin Roots -
5:00: Dinner and Feedback Session
8:00 - 9:00 PM 8:30: Staffers return to Guest House 8:30: Staffers return to Guest House 8:30: Staffers return to Guest House  


Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held at the Hoover Institution, Lou Henry Hoover Building, Rm. 105
* Discussant,  C Chair


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