
As part of the Hoover Institution’s Initiative on Regulation and the Rule of Law, the panelists at this conference, hosted by Charles Calomiris and Allan Meltzer, examine the theory, history, and practical consequences of lender of last resort assistance in a variety of countries and contexts and how to avoid financial bailouts.

Charles Calomiris, Hoover Institution and Columbia University
Allan Meltzer, Hoover Institution and Carnegie Mellon University

Friday, April 3
Time Content Presenter Discussant
9:00 AM

The Dark Side of Liquidity Creation: Leverage and Systematic Risk

Anjan Thakor, Olin School of Business,Washington University in St. Louis

Douglas Diamond, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

10:30 AM


10:45 AM

Political Foundations of the Lender of Last Resort: A Global Historical Narrative

Charles Calomiris, Hoover Institution and Columbia University

Stijn Claessens, Federal Reserve System

12:15 PM


1:15 PM

Law as a Constraint on the “Lender of Last Resort”: Central Bank Liquidity Support for Central Counterparties

Virginia France, College of Business, University of Illinois

Charles Kahn, College of Business, University of Illinois

Mark Carey, Federal Reserve System

2:45 PM


3:00 PM

Lending-of-Last-Resort Is as Lending-of-Last-Resort Does: Liquidity Provision and Interbank Market Functioning in the Euro Area

Simone Manganelli, European Central Bank

Krista Schwarz, Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

4:30 PM

Closing Remarks

Charles Calomiris, Hoover Institution and Columbia University

Allan Meltzer, Hoover Institution and Carnegie Mellon University


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